

Be The Future

Become Innovation Partner of Philip Morris Italia

What is BeLeaf

Beleaf: be the future

Philip Morris Italia is looking for 3 start-ups, spin-offs and/or innovative companies to join the program #BeLeaf, organized in collaboration with Almacube, the innovation hub and business incubator/accelerator.

The program aims at generating an active knowledge exchange on innovation in the agricultural sector and the tobacco supply chain, between the participants and Philip Morris Italia, enabling them to test their innovative solutions and technologies along the tobacco supply chain. Following a business acceleration and co-design program reserved to the 3 selected companies*, Philip Morris Italia will decide whether to activate a Proof of Concept phase with one or more selected companies, and, later, a collaboration contract, provided that the test period demonstrates positive results (check out the  Program Agenda).

The call is open to innovative businesses, both Italian and international, offering technology solutions applicable to the sectors of agriculture, industry 4.0, sustainability, and circular economy in the tobacco supply chain (discover the Innovation Areas).     

*Almacube will award each of the selected companies € 5,000 for their participation in the acceleration and co-design program.

Why participating?


"Achieve a Proof of Concept financed by Philip Morris Italia and become its supplier and innovation partner"

"Validate your solution by applying proprietary technology to the tobacco supply chain. Meet and exchange with suppliers, partners and experts of Philip Morris Italia"

"Develop a specific solution in collaboration with Philip Morris Italia, based on actual production needs, guided by qualified coaches employing design thinking methodology"

"Innovate the farming and processing of tobacco, leading to more sustainable and digitized processes”


FROM 31/01/2022 TO 28/02/2022
(11:59 pm CET) 


The innovative companies can apply by filling out the online application form.



The best 15 projects are admitted to the pitching session in front of a panel of Philip Morris Italia delegates and partners, who will select 3 finalists.

FROM 21/03 TO 28/04/2022


The 3 finalists participate in the acceleration and co-design program with Philip Morris Italia. Check out the Program Agenda.


PROOF OF CONCEPT, subject to Philip Morris Italia approval

Philip Morris Italia will determine whether to start a Proof of Concept of the proposed solution by the participating companies, with the aim of starting a lasting collaboration as Innovation partner & supplier of Philip Morris Italia.




The tobacco cultivation and treatment could be drastically improved by automatic real-time and precise data collection.

We are looking for innovative tools to support decisions for agricultural practices and/or solutions to operate automated agronomic interventions, with a particular focus on IoT sensors and devices easily compatible and connected with the agricultural machinery and the network system.


The tobacco control and classification process is a key process that significantly impacts the quality of the final product and involves both the analysis of the organoleptic properties and the chemical composition.

We are looking for tools to make the quality control and classification phase of tobacco more efficient, which make the process of detecting its organoleptic properties and chemical composition more precise, rapid and automated, through advanced technologies such as online product quality measurement, artificial intelligence, robotics, augmented reality, process control equipment and data management, etc. in order to improve the quality of the final product.


The reduction of energy consumption and environmental impact is fundamental for our planet sustainability and for business cost reduction.

We are looking for innovative processes and solutions to optimize the tobacco production and processing chain, with a particular focus on the curing process and alternative / reduced usage of input material, such as biomaterials, more efficient drying techniques and tools, renewable resources, new materials for isolation, alternative packing materials, energy assessment tools to identify potential points to reduce energy consumption (thermal and electricity), solutions reducing waste and generate value in a framework of recycling and reusage, etc.


Philip Morris Italia aims to explore new business opportunities and diversify its offer.

Surprise us with a disruptive idea, with the potential to open complementary business avenues, combining PM Italia competency and experience on tobacco / other botanicals’ with opportunities in other industries worth to explore, in line with the vision of a smoke-free future.




If you are a start-up, spin-off or innovative enterprise operating in the agritech field or developing technology solutions applicable to this sector, fill out the online application form entering the “Apply” section. In the application form you will have to provide information on your company and tech solution and upload the required attachment.

The deadline to apply is Friday 28th, February 2022 by 11.59 pm (CET).

APPLICATION BOOSTER → The first 30 companies applying before February 15th will have the chance to book a one-to-one meeting (free-of-charge) with the evaluators to have their application reviewed and receive feedback on how to improve it. In order to be able to edit the application after the feedback, please make sure to leave its status on “saved” and not yet “submitted”. 

The pre-selected companies will receive a communication via email at the beginning of March to take part to the final pitching session (held online on March 14th-15th) in front of domain experts and Philip Morris Italia managers, who will select the winning companies that will have access to the acceleration and co-design program from March 21st to April 28th, 2022.   Read the Regulation.



Philip Morris Italia, with its headquarters based in Rome, is responsible for commercializing the Philip Morris International brands in the country. We are leader in the processed tobacco market in Italy. In addition to traditional tobacco products, Philip Morris Italia is engaged in the promotion of innovative non-combustion products.

The tobacco supply chain undoubtedly plays a key role in achieving the company's economic, environmental, and social objectives. PMI promotes the production of high-quality tobacco, grown in conditions that safeguard the environment, allowing sustainable crops and employing above all Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Agricultural Labor Practices (ALP).


Almacube is an innovation hub and business incubator certified by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. Founded in 1999, Almacube has two strategic units, the Open Innovation Unit and the Start-up & Spin-off Unit, which aim to promote innovation and economic development in the area by bridging the industrial world and the research world.  

We support start-ups and spin-offs in their business development and go-to-market journey. We help SMEs and big established corporates bring innovation through customised open innovation programmes involving students, young professionals, researchers, professors, and startups, employing Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Human Centered Innovation techniques.